Matthew (and Mayumi) Wardrop
About Me
I am currently a PhD Student at the University of Sydney, with completion slated for August 2015; and am richly blessed to be married to my lovely wife Mayumi; and am the proud father of Theodore our son. The world, its abstractions, and the manipulation thereof, have always fascinated me, and much of my life has been dedicated to learning about them. This naturally led me to physics (the world), mathematics (its abstractions) and computer programming (algorithmic manipulation). This broad focus has made me a jack-of-all-trades, and master of few. I enjoy learning, reading, programming, puzzle-solving, board games, and spending time with family and friends.
Contact Info
- (+61) 02 9351 3946
- (+61) 0402 197 395
- mister.wardrop@gmail.com
- Matthew Wardrop
- matthewwardrop
- mister.wardrop
- Room 359
- School of Physics, A28
- The University of Sydney
- Camperdown, NSW 2006
- Australia (map)
Research Projects
PhD Thesis
I am nearing completion of my theoretical thesis entitled “Quantum Gates for Quantum Dots”
which focusses on:
- characterising the expected performance of novel two-qubit gates between double-quantum-dot singlet-triplet and triple-quantum-dot resonant-exchange qubits.
- estimation and dynamics analysis of the magnetic field gradient between the constituent dots of singlet-triplet qubits using Bayesian analysis.
No projects at this time.
Honours Thesis
This work was a precursor to my PhD Thesis, which focussed on understanding and simulating
a two-qubit gate between singlet-triplet qubits.
Probabilities of quantum emission from electrons exhibiting gryomagnetic motion
Over the summer break of 2008 (between second and third year) I completed a summer scholarship project
that involved
calculating the probabilities that an electron would emit a photon while exhibiting
gyromagnetic motion.
Drifting among the Hot, the Dark, and the Deep
In 2007 (first year) I completed a special project on heating in plasmas due to gravitational
drift of charged dust. The report was to be written as a popular science piece.
Software Projects
QuBricks (MIT Licensed)
QuBricks is a toolkit for the analysis and simulation of quantum systems in Python. The primary goal of
QuBricks is to facilitate insight into quantum systems; rather than to be the fastest or most efficient
Python-Parameters (MIT Licensed)
A python library that takes care of physical quantities; including unit conversions,
non-dimensionalisation, scaling, inter-dependencies, limits and ranges.
LaTeX Blochsphere (Apache 2.0 Licensed)
A LaTeX package which allows for simple drawing of 3D projections of Bloch spheres.
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Wedding RSVP
A invitation management website for weddings (and potentially other events). Used originally during my
wedding, it has since been used twice by friends for their weddings; to great positive response. My plan
is to commercialise it at some point.
Stay In Touch (for Android)
"Stay In Touch" is a simple utility application which fills a neglected gap in most PIM software.
Calendars and task management software are great for tasks with definite timelines; but they do not work
so well for unscheduled and more ambiguous tasks; like keeping in touch with friends, or remembering to
think/pray about various things. more
Scholarley (for Android)
Scholarley was an unofficial Android client for Mendeley, which is a free and convenient application for
managing your library of academic papers (see: http://www.mendeley.com/).
Scholarley was designed for both Android phones and tablets, and at its peak had more than 42,000 active
installations over more than 35,000 users. Scholarley was discontinued when Mendeley announced plans
for an official client.
Spray Logger
A company for which my father has done some work wanted a
weed-spraying logger to be constructed which monitored when,
where, upon what, and how much weed poison was administered. I
ended up writing most of the embedded C code (in the Arduino
platform) required for that project.
Credit Usage (for Android)
Credit Usage is a call minutes, sms, mms and data usage meter to monitor your phone usage; and stay under
your cap! Rather than depending on scraping information from official sources, which are often ~48 hours
behind, Credit Usage calculates your expected bill from your actual phone usage; and so acts as a check of
the official bill. Credit Usage was my first Android application.
Android Icon Generator (Public Domain)
A simple python script to generate the Android icons at appropriate resolutions complying with the Android
icon guidelines.
Cast (MIT Licensed)
A simple javascript library for rendering server side content. It is at once a client rendering library
and a protocol, for which other clients could be written.
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Sydney Healthy Campus App (GPL3)
Sydney Healthy Campus App is an HTML 5 based web application based on top of Cast: a protocol and
javascript library for client side layout rendering using data from multiple sources. It was written in
collaboration with the School of IT and School of Biology at University of Sydney.
Sydney Uni Mobile App
The Sydney Uni Mobile App was written over a 12 week period for the Sydney University marketing
department, in collaboration with the School of IT at University of Sydney. It is based on a similar
technology as Cast, but one that is not open source.
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Dangerous Australians iOS App
Dangerous Australians mobile app was written as a fully-functional prototype for the current Dangerous
Australians app, in collaboration with the Australian Museum and the School of IT at University of Sydney.
The final product was a rewritten app that mimicked much of our interface.
I rewrote a learning management system written for University of Sydney School of IT students that
automatically compiled and tested their code, while providing an interface to
specify learning objectives and task outcomes. This rewrite has yet to be optimised for broad student use,
and may never be.
- 2015 - Lab Note Writing: Quantum Computation Lab (PHYS2012/2912) at University of Sydney
- 2014 - Tutorial: Quantum Computation Lab (PHYS2012/2912) at University of Sydney
- 2011-2014 - Tutorial: Circuit Experiments (PHYS1004/1902) at University of Sydney
- 2009 - Volunteer Staff/Mentor and Web programmer: 35th Professor Harry Messel International Science School (Genes to Galaxies)
- 2008 - Mentor/Tutoring: Informatics (Adv) (INFO1903) at University of Sydney
- 2007 - Volunteer Staff/Mentor and Web programmer: 34th Professor Harry Messel International Science School (Ecoscience)
- Wardrop, M. P., & Doherty, A. C. (2014). Exchange-based two-qubit gate for singlet-triplet qubits. Physical Review B, 90(4), 045418. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.045418
- Doherty, A. C., & Wardrop, M. P. (2013). Two-Qubit Gates for Resonant Exchange Qubits. Physical Review Letters, 111(5), 050503. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.050503
- AIP 2014 - 15 minute talk on my PhD research - download slides
- eQus Workshop 2014 - Short talk on QuBricks - download slides
- 2014 - Triple-quantum-dot resonant-exchange two-qubit gate poster - download poster
- 2013 - Double-quantum-dot singlet-triplet two-qubit gate poster - download poster
- 2012 - Double-quantum-dot singlet-triplet two-qubit gate poster - download poster
Awards & Scholarships
- 2011-2014 - Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)
- 2010 - School of Physics Honours Scholarship
- 2009 - Summer scholarship in IT: Development of a iOS mobile app “Dangerous Australians” in conjunction with the School of IT and the Australian Museum.
- 2008 - Summer scholarship in Physics: Sleep dynamics with the Complex Systems/Brain dynamics group.
- 2007 - Summer scholarship in Physics: Probabilities of quantum emission from electrons exhibiting gryomagnetic motion.
- 2007 - Summer scholarship in IT: Improvements to the in-house learning management system “Reflect”.
- 2007-2009 - University of Sydney Scholarship (Merit Award)
- 2007 - Entrance into University of Sydney Talented Student Program
- 2006 - National Youth Science Forum
- 2005 - 33rd Professor Harry Messel International Science School (Waves of the Future)