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Collection Methods

Attributes that have a type subclassing from MutableSequence, MutableMapping or MutableSet (see in the standard library; and note that these include the standard list, dict and set datatypes) are considered to be collections. In addition to the scalar helper methods, spec-classes also adds three more helper methods to assist with the mutation of elements of the collection; again with a view to simplifying incremental setting of the attributes and/or adoption of a copy-on-write workflow. The helper methods are:

  • with_<attr_singular>(...)
  • update_<attr_singular>(...)
  • transform_<attr_singular>(...)
  • without_<attr_sigular>(...)

The concrete signatures differ based on the collection type, and so will be explored in more detail below. As for the scalar methods, when the collected item type is a spec-class, additional fields are added to the methods to allow direct access or mutation of attributes of the elements in the collection.

Method "Singular" Naming

As indicated above, the collection methods are named after the singular form of the attribute name. The generation of the singular form is handled by the excellent inflect library.

This approach has two main benefits: 1. It clearly distinguishes the target of the collection from the scalar helper methods. 2. It encourages sensible naming of collections (i.e. plural names).

If inflect cannot find a singular form either because the attribute name was not plural, or the plural form is the same as the singular form, or the plural form overlaps with an existing attribute, then a suffix of _item will be used instead. If the resulting singular form overlaps with an existing attribute, a RuntimeError is raised and the user is invited to remedy the problem by renaming the attribute(s).

By way of example, here are a few mappings:

attribute name singular form
numbers number
children child
errata erratum
collection collection_item

Mutable Sequences

The helper method signatures for mutable sequences (including list) are:

  • with_<attr_singular>(_item, *, _index=MISSING, _insert=False, _inplace=False, _if=True): Adds an element to the collection when _if is True. If _index is provided, the item at that index is replaced unless _insert is True in which case the new item is inserted before it. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • update_<attr_singular>(_value_or_index, _new_item=MISSING, *, _by_index=MISSING, _inplace=False, _if=True): Updates/replaces an element of the collection. Indexing semantics are as for transform_<attr_singular> below.
  • transform_<attr_singular>(_value_or_index, _transform, *, _by_index=MISSING, _inplace=False, _if=True): Transforms an element of the collection if _if is True. The item to be transformed is passed to the callable _transform, and is:

    • if _by_index is False, the first instance of _value_or_index in the collection.
    • if _by_index is True, the item at index _value_or_index.

    If _by_index is not specified, it defaults to True if _value_or_index is not of the same type as as that contained in the sequence. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy. - without_<attr_singular>(_value_or_index, *, _by_index: bool = False, _inplace: bool = False, _if=True): Removes an element from the collection if _if is True. The item to be removed is:

    • if _by_index is False, the first instance of _value_or_index in the collection.
    • if _by_index is True, the item at index _value_or_index.

    If _by_index is not specified, it defaults to True if _value_or_index is not of the same type as as that contained in the sequence. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.

class FavoriteNumbers:
    numbers: List[int] = []

assert FavoriteNumbers().with_number(10).without_number(10).numbers == []

Mutable Mappings

The helper method signatures for mutable mappings (including dict) are:

  • with_<attr_singular>(_key, _value, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Adds an element to the collection when _if is True by setting the value assigned to key _key to value _value. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • update_<attr_singular>(_key, _new_item=MISSING, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Updates/replaces an element of the collection when _if is True.If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • transform_<attr_singular>(_key, _transform, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Transforms the value associated with key _key by passing it through the callable _transform when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • without_<attr_singular>(_key, *, _inplace: bool = False, _if=True): Removes the mapping for _key from the collection when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
class ExaminationScores:
    scores: Dict[str, float] = {}

assert (
    .with_score("Peter", 10.1)
    .with_score("Justine", 13.3)
) == {'Peter': 10.1}

Mutable Sets

The helper method signatures for mutable sets (including set) are:

  • with_<attr_singular>(_item, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Adds the nominated element _item to the collection when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • update_<attr_singular>(_item, _new_item=MISSING, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Updates/replaces an element of the collection when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • transform_<attr_singular>(_item, _transform, *, _inplace=False, _if=True): Transforms the nominated _item by passing it through the callable _transform when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
  • without_<attr_singular>(_item, *, _inplace: bool = False, _if=True): Removes _item from the collection when _if is True. If _inplace is True then the current instance is mutated, otherwise the mutation happens on a copy.
class FavoriteNumbers:
    numbers: Set[int]

assert (
    .transform_number(1, lambda x: x+1)
) == set()

Extensions for spec-class types

Just as for the scalar methods, if the item stored within any of the collections above is a spec-class, then the .with_<attr_singular>() and .transform_<attr_singular>() method signatures are extended with to allow direct mutation of the attributes of the nested spec classes. The following example is for sequence containers but the logic is the same for all collections.

class Box:
    label: str
    items: List[str]
    children: List["Box"]

# with_child(_item: __main__.Box = MISSING, *, _index: int = MISSING, _insert: bool = False, _inplace: bool = False, _if: bool = True, label: str = None, items: List[str] = None, children: List[__main__.Box] = None) method of __main__.Box instance
#     Return a `Box` instance identical to this one except with an item added to or updated in `children`.
#     Args:
#         _item: A new `Box` instance for children.
#         _index: Index for which to insert or replace, depending on `insert`;
#             if not provided, append.
#         _insert: Insert item before children[index], otherwise replace this
#             index.
#         _inplace: Whether to perform change without first copying.
#         _if: This action is only taken when `_if` is `True`. If it is `False`,
#             this is a no-op.
#         label: An optional new value for `child.label`.
#         items: An optional new value for `child.items`.
#         children: An optional new value for `child.children`.
#     Returns:
#         A reference to the mutated `Box` instance.

# transform_child(_value_or_index: Union[__main__.Box, int], _transform: Callable = MISSING, *, _by_index: bool = MISSING, _inplace: bool = False, _if: bool = True, label: str = None, items: List[str] = None, childre
# n: List[__main__.Box] = None) method of __main__.Box instance
#     Return a `Box` instance identical to this one except with an item transformed in `children`.
#     Args:
#         _value_or_index: The value to transform, or (if `by_index=True`) its
#             index.
#         _transform: A function that takes the old item as input, and returns
#             the new item.
#         _by_index: If True, value_or_index is the index of the item to
#             transform.
#         _inplace: Whether to perform change without first copying.
#         _if: This action is only taken when `_if` is `True`. If it is `False`,
#             this is a no-op.
#         label: An optional transformer for `child.label`.
#         items: An optional transformer for `child.items`.
#         children: An optional transformer for `child.children`.
#     Returns:
#         A reference to the mutated `Box` instance.
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