Toplevel Methods

Spec-classes are furnished with several high-level mutation methods that simplify (and allow chaining) of copy-on-write mutations.

They are:

  • update(_new_value, *, _inplace=False, _if=True, **<spec-attributes>): Returns _new_value and/or an instance with the nominated attribute values mutated.
  • transform(_transform, *, _inplace=False, _if=True, **<transforms for attributes>): Returns the output of _transform(<spec_class_instance>) if _transform is supplied, and/or with its attributes mutated if they are passed via kwargs.
  • reset(*, _inplace=False, _if=True): Resets all spec-class attributes to their default values.

For example:

class Box:
    width: float
    height: float
    depth: float
    color: str = 'blue'

    def volume(self):
        return self.width * self.height * self.depth

box = Box(color='red')
box  # Box(width=MISSING, height=MISSING, depth=MISSING, color='red')
box_modified = box.update(width=10., height=10., depth=10.)
box_modified  # Box(width=10.0, height=10.0, depth=10.0, color='red')
box_modified.volume  # 1000.0
box_modified.transform(width=lambda width: width * 2).volume  # 2000.0
box_modified.reset().color  # 'blue'
assert box is not box_modified

box_modified2 = box.update(width=10., height=10., depth=10., _inplace=True)
assert box is box_modified2

As with all spec-class methods, you can look up their documentation:

# update(_new_value: __main__.Box = MISSING, *, _inplace: bool = False, _if: bool = True, width: float = MISSING, height: float = MISSING, depth: float = MISSING, color: str = 'blue') method of __main__.Box instance
#     Return `_new_value`, or an `Box` instance identical to this one except with nominated attributes mutated.

#     Args:
#         _new_value: A complete replacement for this instance.
#         _inplace: Whether to perform change without first copying.
#         _if: This action is only taken when `_if` is `True`. If it is `False`,
#             this is a no-op.
#         width: An optional new value for Box.width.
#         height: An optional new value for Box.height.
#         depth: An optional new value for Box.depth.
#         color: An optional new value for Box.color.

#     Returns:
#         `_new_value` or a reference to the mutated `Box` instance.

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