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Migrating from Patsy/R

The default Formulaic parser and materialization configuration is designed to be highly compatibly with existing Wilkinson formula implementations in R and Python; however there are some differences which are highlighted here. If you find other differences, feel free to submit a PR to update this documentation.

Migrating from patsy

Patsy has been the go-to implementation of Wilkinson formulae for Python use-cases for many years, and Formulaic should be largely a drop-in replacement, while bringing order of magnitude improvements in runtime performance and greater extensibility. Being written in the same language (Python) there are two separate migration concerns: input/output and API migrations, which will be explored separately below.

Input/Output changes

The primary inputs to patsy are a formula string, and pandas dataframe from which features referenced in the formula are drawn. The output is a model matrix (called a design matrix in patsy). We focus here on any potentially breaking behavioural differences here, rather than ways in which Formulaic extends the functionality available in patsy.

  • The ^ operator is interpreted as exponentiation, rather than Python's XOR binary operator.
  • Contrast encoding is recommended to follow R-style conventions e.g. C(x, contr.treatment). For greater compatibility with patsy we add to the transform namespace Treatment, Poly, Sum, Helmert and Diff, allowing formulae like C(x, Poly) or C(x, Treatment(reference='x')) to work as expected, with the following caveats:
    • The signature of C is C(data, contrasts=None, *, levels=None) as compared to C(data, contrast=None, levels=None) from patsy.
    • The Sum contrast does not offer an omit option to specify the index of the omitted column.
  • Feature rescaling is recommended to follow R conventions e.g. scale(x), but compatibility shims for standardize(x) are added for greater compatibility with patsy. Note that the standardize shim follows patsy argument kwarg naming conventions, but scale uses scale instead of rescale, following R.
  • The order of the model matrix columns will differ by default. Patsy groups columns by the numerical features from which they derived, then sorts by interaction order, and then by the order in which features were added into the formula. Formulaic does not by default do the clustering by numerical factors. This behaviour can be restored by passing cluster_by="numerical_factors" to model_matrix or any of the .get_model_matrix(...) methods.
  • Formulaic does not yet have implementations for natural and cyclic cubic basis splines (cr and cc) or tensor smoothing (te) stateful transforms.

API translations

patsy offers two high-level user-facing entrypoints: patsy.dmatrix and patsy.dmatrices, depending on whether you have both left- and right-hand sides present. In formulaic, we offer a single entrypoint for both cases: model_matrix.

In the vast majority of cases, a simple substitution of dmatrix or dmatrices with model_matrix will achieve the desired the result; however there are some differences in signature that could trip up a naive copy and replace. Patsy's dmatrix signature is:

whereas model_matrix has a signature of:
    spec: FormulaSpec,  # accepts any formula-like spec (include model matrices and specs)
    data: Any,  # accepts any supported data structure (include pandas DataFrames)
    context: Union[int, Mapping[str, Any]] = 0,  # equivalent to `eval_env`
    **spec_overrides,  # Additional overrides for generated `ModelSpec`, including `na_action` and `output` (similar to `return_type`).

If you are integrating Formulaic into your library, it is highly recommended to use the Formula() API directly rather than model_matrix, which by default will add all variables in the local context into the evaluation environment (just like dmatrix). This allows you to better isolate and control the behaviour of the Formula parsing.

Migrating from R

Most formulae that work in R will work without modification, including those written against the enhanced R Formula package that supports multi-part formulae. However, there are a few caveats that are worth calling out:

  • As in the enhanced R Formula package, the left hand side of formulae can have multiple terms; the only difference between the left- and right-hand sides being that an intercept is automatically added on the right.
  • Exponentiation will not work using the ^ operator within an I transform; e.g. I(x^2). This is because this is treated as Python code, and so you should use I(x**2) or {x**2} instead.
  • Intercept inclusion/exclusion directives are handled more rigorously, following the conventions of patsy. In particular, order of operations are respected when evaluating intercept directives, and so: 1 + (b - 1) would result in the intercept remaining (since (b-1) would be evaluated first to b, resulting in 1 + b), whereas in R the intercept would have been dropped.
  • Model matrices are guaranteed to be structurally full-rank no matter how categorical variables are interacted, whereas R will sometimes become confused and output over- or under-specified model matrices. The algorithm used is the same as that found in patsy. Using capital letters to represent categorical variables, and lower-case letters to represent numerical ones, the difference from R will become apparent in two cases:
    1. When categories are interacted in the presence of intercept. e.g.: 1 + A:B. In this case, R does not account for the fact that A:B spans the intercept, and so does not rank reduce the product, and thus generates an over-specified matrix. This affects higher-order interactions also.
    2. When categories are interacted with numerical features alongside interactions with categorical features. e.g.: 0 + A:x + B:C. Here we use 0 + to avoid the previous bug, but unfortunately when R is checking whether to reduce the rank of the categorical features during encoding, it assumes that all involved features are categorical, and thus unnecessarily reduces the rank of C, resulting in an under-specified matrix. This affects higher-order interactions also.
  • Formulaic does not (yet) support including extra "metadata" terms in the formula that will not result in additions to the model matrix, for example model annotations like R's offset(...).
  • Some transforms that are commonly available in R may not be available.

For more details, refer to the Formula Grammar.