Spline Encoding
Formulaic offers several spline encoding transforms that allow you to model non-linear responses to continuous variables using linear models. They are:
: projection onto orthogonal polynomial basis functions.basis_spline
in formulae): projection onto a basis spline (B-spline) basis.
These are all implemented as stateful transforms and described in more detail below.
The simplest way to generate a non-linear response in a linear model is to
include higher order powers of numerical variables. For example, you might want
to include: $x$, $x^2$, $x^3$, $\ldots$, $x^n$. However, these features are not
orthogonal, and so adding each term one by one in a regression model will lead
to all previously trained coefficients changing. Especially in exploratory
analysis, this can be frustrating, and that's where poly
comes in. By default,
iteratively builds orthogonal polynomial features up to the order
has two parameters:
- degree: The maximum polynomial degree to generate ($degree - 1$ features will thus be generated).
- raw: A boolean indicator of whether raw non-orthogonal polynomials should be generated instead of the orthogonalized ones.
For those who are mathematically inclined, this transform is an implementation
of the "three-term recurrence relation" for monic orthogonal polynomials. There
are many good introductions to these recurrence relations, including:
(at the time of writing) https://dec41.user.srcf.net/h/IB_L/numerical_analysis/2_3.
Another common approach is QR factorisation where the columns of Q are the
orthogonal basis vectors. A pre-existing implementation of this can be found in
, however our implementation outperforms numpy's QR decomposition, and
does not require needless computation of the R matrix. It should also be noted
that orthogonal polynomial bases are unique up to the choice of inner-product
and scaling, and so all methods will result in the same set of polynomials.
When used as a stateful transform, we retain the coefficients that uniquely define the polynomials; and so new data will be evaluated against the same polynomial bases as the original dataset. However, the polynomial basis will almost certainly *not* be orthogonal for the new data. This is because changing the incoming dataset is equivalent to changing your choice of inner product.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import pandas
from statsmodels.api import OLS
from formulaic import model_matrix
# Build some data, and hard-code "y" as a quartic function with some Gaussian noise.
data = pandas.DataFrame({
"x": numpy.linspace(0., 1., 100),
y=lambda df: df.x + 0.2 * df.x**2 - 0.7 * df.x**3 + 3 * df.x**4 + 0.1 * numpy.random.randn(100)
# Generate a model matrix with a polynomial coding in "x".
y, X = model_matrix("y ~ poly(x, degree=3)", data, output="numpy")
# Fit coefficients for the intercept and polynomial basis
coeffs = OLS(y[:, 0], X).fit().params
# Plot the basis splines weighted by coefficients.
plt.plot(data.x, X * coeffs, label=[name + " (weighted)" for name in X.model_spec.column_names])
# Plot B-spline basis functions (colored curves) each multiplied by its coeff
plt.scatter(data.x, data.y, marker="x", label="Raw observations")
# Plot the fit spline itself (sum of the basis functions)
plt.plot(data.x, numpy.dot(X, coeffs), color='k', linewidth=3, label="Fit spline")
(or bs
If you were to attempt to fit a complex function over a large domain using
, it is highly likely that you would need to use a very large degree for
the polynomial basis. However, this can lead to overfitting and/or high-frequency
oscillations (see Runge's phenomenon).
An alternative approach is to use piece-wise polynomial curves of lower degree,
with smoothness conditions on the "knots" between each of the polynomial pieces.
This limits overfitting while still offering the flexibility required to model
very complex non-linearities.
Basis-splines (or B-splines) are popular choice for generating a basis for such polynomials, with many attractive features such as maximal smoothness around each of the knots, and minimal support given such smoothness.
Formulaic has its own implementation of basis_spline
that is API compatible
(where features overlap) with R, and is more performant than existing Python
implementations for our use-cases (such as splev
from scipy
). For
compatibility with R
and patsy
, basis_spline
is available as bs
(or bs
) has eight parameters:
- df: The number of degrees of freedom to use for this spline. If
will be automatically generated such that they aredf
(minus one ifinclude_intercept
is True) equally spaced quantiles. You cannot specify bothdf
. - knots: The internal breakpoints of the B-Spline. If not specified, they
default to the empty list (unless
is specified), in which case the ordinary polynomial (Bezier) basis is generated. - degree: The degree of the B-Spline (the highest degree of terms in the resulting polynomial). Must be a non-negative integer.
- include_intercep: Whether to return a complete (full-rank) basis. Note
that if
is passed to the materializer, then the intercept will (depending on context) nevertheless be omitted. - lower_bound: The lower bound for the domain for the B-Spline basis. If
not specified this is determined from
. - upper_bound: The upper bound for the domain for the B-Spline basis. If
not specified this is determined from
. - extrapolation: Selects how extrapolation should be performed when values
extend beyond the lower and upper bounds. Valid values are:'raise'
(the default): Raises aValueError
if there are any values inx
outside the B-Spline domain.'clip'
: Any values above/below the domain are set to the upper/lower bounds.'na'
: Any values outside of bounds are set tonumpy.nan
: Any values outside of bounds are set to0
: Any values outside of bounds are computed by extending the polynomials of the B-Spline (this is the same as the default in R).
The algorithm used to generate the basis splines is a slightly generalised version of the "Cox-de Boor" algorithm, extended by this author to allow for extrapolations (although this author doubts this is terribly novel). If you would like to learn more about B-Splines, the primer put together by Jeffrey Racine is an excellent resource.
As a stateful transform, we only keep track of knots
, lower_bound
, which are sufficient given that all other information must be
explicitly specified.
Example, reusing the data and imports from above:
# Generate a model matrix with a basis spline "x".
y, X = model_matrix("y ~ bs(x, df=4, degree=3)", data, output="numpy")
# Fit coefficients for the intercept and polynomial basis
coeffs = OLS(y[:, 0], X).fit().params
# Plot the basis splines weighted by coefficients.
X * coeffs,
label=[name + " (weighted)" for name in X.model_spec.column_names],
# Plot B-spline basis functions (colored curves) each multiplied by its coeff
plt.scatter(data.x, data.y, marker="x", label="Raw observations")
# Plot the fit spline itself (sum of the basis functions)
plt.plot(data.x, numpy.dot(X, coeffs), color="k", linewidth=3, label="Fit spline")
and cc
While the basis_spline
transform above is capable of generating cubic splines,
it is sometimes helpful to be able to generate cubic splines that satisfy
various additional constraints (including direct constraints on the parameters
of the spline, or indirect ones such as cyclicity). To that end, Formulaic
implements direct support for generating natural and cyclic cubic splines with
constraints (via the cr
and cc
transforms respectively), borrowing much
of the implementation from patsy
. These splines are compatible with R's
, and share the nice features of the basis-splines above, including
continuous first and second derivatives, and general applicability to
interpolation/smoothing. Note that cr
and cs
generate identical splines, but
are both included for compatibility with R.
In practice, the reason that we focus on cubic (as compared to quadratic or quartic) splines is that they offer a nice compromise. They offer:
- Sufficient smoothness - Cubic splines provide smooth curves by connecting data points with piecewise cubic polynomials, ensuring continuity in the function and its first few derivatives at each connection point.
- Sufficient flexibility - Unlike lower-order polynomials, cubic splines can capture complex curves with varying curvature, making them suitable for data with sharp changes or multiple inflection points. Generally there is diminished marginal benefit from higher order polynomials.
- Avoids overfitting (including avoiding Runge's phenomenon described aboe) - Compared to higher-degree polynomials, cubic splines are less prone to large oscillations between data points, which can occur with high-order interpolation methods.
All of cr
, cs
, and cc
are configurations of the cubic_spline
and have seven parameters:
- x: The data to use in the spline. Depending on the other options, the knots
are selected from this data on the first application of
. If using an existingmodel_spec
with a fitted transformation, thex
values are only used to produce the locations for the fitted values of the spline. - df: The number of degrees of freedom to use for this spline. If
will be automatically generated such that they aredf
equally spaced quantiles. You cannot specify bothdf
. - knots: The internal breakpoints of the spline. If not specified, they
default to the empty list (unless
is specified). - lower_bound: The lower bound for the domain for the spline. If
not specified this is determined from
. - upper_bound: The upper bound for the domain for the spline. If
not specified this is determined from
. - constraints: Either a 2-d array defining general linear constraints
(that is
np.dot(constraints, betas)
is zero, wherebetas
denotes the array of initial parameters, corresponding to the initial unconstrained model matrix), or the string'center'
indicating that we should apply a centering constraint (this constraint will be computed from the input data, remembered and re-used for prediction from the fitted model). The constraints are absorbed in the resulting design matrix which means that the model is actually rewritten in terms of unconstrained parameters. - extrapolation: Selects how extrapolation should be performed when values
extend beyond the lower and upper bounds. Valid values are:'raise'
(the default): Raises aValueError
if there are any values inx
outside the spline domain.'clip'
: Any values above/below the domain are set to the upper/lower bounds.'na'
: Any values outside of bounds are set tonumpy.nan
: Any values outside of bounds are set to0
: Any values outside of bounds are computed by extending the polynomials of the spline (this is the same as the default in R).
As a stateful transform, we only keep track of knots
, lower_bound
, constraints
, and cyclic
which are sufficient given that
all other information must be explicitly specified.
Example, reusing the data and imports from above:
x = numpy.linspace(0.0, 2 * numpy.pi, 100)
data = pandas.DataFrame(
"x": x,
y=lambda df: 2
+ numpy.sin(x)
- x * numpy.sin(2 * x)
+ 4 * numpy.sin(x / 7)
+ 0.1 * numpy.random.randn(100)
# Generate a model matrix with a cyclic cubic spline coding in "x".
y, X = model_matrix("y ~ 1 + cc(x, df=4, constraints='center')", data, output="numpy")
# Fit coefficients for the intercept and polynomial basis
coeffs = OLS(y[:, 0], X).fit().params
# Plot the basis splines weighted by coefficients.
X * coeffs,
label=[name + " (weighted)" for name in X.model_spec.column_names],
# Plot B-spline basis functions (colored curves) each multiplied by its coeff
plt.scatter(data.x, data.y, marker="x", label="Raw observations")
# Plot the fit spline itself (sum of the basis functions)
plt.plot(data.x, numpy.dot(X, coeffs), color="k", linewidth=3, label="Fit spline")